Wednesday 31 January 2018

Of moons that melt and cakes that crumble

A layer of raspberry sauce
Slid across the icy white frosting.
Tonight was a special night,
A rare instance in the crust of time
And the baker's hands deftly crafted
An artful, mouth-watering delicacy,
Larger than the usual dessert,
A second celebration with a dash
Of blueberry burst in every slice.
And the icy white cake crumbled
Through the night till the diamond
Was presented, eyes watching,
Loving sighs echoing, wishing for magic,
Wishing for life among the beautiful blackness
Scattered among the velvety glitter
Of stars that speckled his suit.
We watched the ring melt
Into a grin on the face
Of a blushing bride as she danced
The full circle of a waltz
Dressed all in freckled white
They both cherished the night
With the moon so close,
Twice as round
Cloaked in a shadowy embrace
Of the world which held it's breath
And jotted down a note for history
Capturing a picture for memory
Already missing the taste
Of a cake long gone.