Thursday 23 March 2017

The Pole Dancer

"This is not the life I wanted,"
Said the woman, twirling about on the pole,
"When I was young, I wanted to be a dancer.
They said I had magic. I had soul.
And I did. I do. I must have. Don't I?
I don't remember any more
What I ever wished for. I just do
What I must to one day find a door
Away, far away from this mess,"
She flicked her hair and tossed her top,
"I mean, know I'm good at this," she winked,
"But I wonder if it'll ever stop."
She slunk to the ground and crawled to me,
Like a wild cat stalking its prey,
"But I'm really good at this,
And it's not so bad so I may stay,
Wait till I've got all that cash 
And make my way to the floor again, maybe..."
She gave me a peck on the cheek
"Because I feel like giving up lately,"
She said as the song ended and she vanished.
Opening my eyes, I thought of all I'd dreamt
My money making fingers aching from noisy content
And for once, I knew what she meant.

~ March 23, 2017

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